Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You26 okt. 20163 minutenTai Chi 4 You: Practice Tai Chi & Qigong at Home Challenge“We make our habits and they make us!” Create new health habits and Go for it! Hello everyone, If you are reading this you may be already...
Tony Stewart Founder of Tai Chi 4 You7 jun. 20162 minutenHappy ChiHAPPY CHI :) H = Health, Harmony & Holistic A = Awareness, Attitude & Action. P = Preparation, Practice & Perseverance. P = Positivity,...
Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You30 mei 20161 minutenDecide Direct & DoThe key secret to practicing Tai Chi & Qigong at home and bringing the step by step skills into your daily life is to "Decide Direct &...
Tony Stewart founder of Tai Chi 4 You26 jun. 20151 minutenVoorkomen is beter dan genezen!“Stress gerelateerde ziekte is snel een wereldse epidemie aan het worden in onze moderne maatschappij. Het kost zowel werkgever als werk...