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The Benefits of Tai Chi 4 your Company

Corporate Living Healthy Program:

  • 90% of all doctors visits are stress related issues!

  • 55% of health care costs are for lifestyle related illnesses.

  • 40% of job turnover is because of stress

  • Staff sickness, absenteeism is at record levels.

  • In the business World  today, increasing health costs and work-related injuries, both physical and mental make corporate wellness for employees a real necessity rather than simply an employee benefit. Tony’s Tai Chi 4 your Company program provides employees with an effective affordable, and enjoyable approach to managing STRESS.


The Benefits from a individual perspective include:


  • Reduced Anxiety, worry and stress levels = happier more content feeling.

  • Enhanced Relaxation skills.

  • Improved balance and flexibilty.

  • Greater Vitality & Clraity of Mind

  • Gives a great feeling of well-being and a optimal confident positive attitude.

  • Prevention of RSI and other health issues associated with office sitting functions at the workplace.

  • Staff learn self care RELAX MANAGEMENT! Key body posture skills.

  • Learn how to work fast and under pressure without getting exhausted as a result. Creating a calmness in a storm mind set.


The Benefits from a company perspective:

  • Improved: Motivation, efficiency, productivity, communication and teamwork.

  • Improved concentration of employees and all round feel good factor in the workplace.

  • Less absenteeism, illness, accidents and burnout.

  • In a unique way your employees get to learn how to cooperate and interact in a more balanced way.

  • Stress staff cannot perform to their optimal level which impacts your profits. Tai Chi & Qigong helps your company focus on success and not stress!

  • COMPANY IMPROVED IMAGE: Having either regular or a set course tailor made to match your companys needs will bring many benefits including great positive PR as you attract new employees or new business.


So make a great pioneering change for your company and create a dynamic positive results that you will be so proud of.

Recharge…… for your company, be more productive,  be unique within your sector and beyond:

Offer our unique Tai Chi 4 Your Company program. Let Tony guide your staff with on a weekly, monthly or short course basis. 30,45,60 minute sessions.

Boek uw Bedrijfs workshop(s).

Voor u vrijblijvende offerte of meer informatie klik hier:

Happy Chi

Tony Stewart

Founder of Tai Chi 4 You

The Tai Chi 4 You.

School of Internal Arts. Original Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan

KvK Nr. 60116853. 

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