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Tai Chi Workshops:

Zaterdagochtend 21 November & Zondagochtend 29 November 2020 10:00-11:45 

Graag even laten weten als je bent van plan om te komen.  

Yang family principles to focus on in the form. Verdiepings les! The workshops are a special boost, chance to go deeper and experience new curriculum.  Qigong Tai Chi 108 form. Geschikt voor alle niveaus! Van beginners tot gevorderden, jullie zijn allen welkom!​ 

      Montessorischool Noordsingel 57 BOZ (Zij ingang) 

      Kosten; €15:00 per workshop.



In 2016 was the start of a intuitive drive to write poems.

4 years ago 26 October 2016 I wrote this one:


This morning as I concluded my Qigong meditation I picked up a pen wrote this poem down:

The Poem:

I do my Tai Chi in the morning

to give me energy & prevent all that yawning.

I practice my Tai Chi at times during the day

allowing my chi to have its say.

I do my Tai Chi in my mind

making happiness easier to find

I love to practice Tai Chi & Qigong in the evening

It helps me achieve all I am believing and conceiving.

I calmly do a qigong at night

helping me to sleep well, dream and gain insight.

Happy Chi from Tony Stewart.

My poem written one year ago (Nov 2019) to inspire you all to practice!


From I can’t stand myself to being able to stand myself

As I pondered why so many can’t seem to stand still I jokingly said to a close friend: “its because they can’t stand them self. If you can’t stand something you tend to resist it. Could it be our ego at least at first resists the letting go and grounding and will do all it can to keep you away from something so healthy. Ego generally prefers the comfort zone! Out of this play on words moment I penned this Qigong poem. I hope my contribution will help you practice more.

Standing like a tree

We allow it all to be

No need to get in a cue or wondering what to do

For when the time is right it will surely come to you.

Starting by emptying our cup

We next need to get our ego to shut up.

To stand in Qigong and do it on your own

Is not easy as are thoughts become overgrown

Too many are addicted to following and being shown

That can end up with just being a clone.

This fear of failure leaves it all undone

Shunning the prize of good health and a lot of fun

If by just standing still, is a way of avoiding the doctors pill

What can it be that’s stopping us doing this drill

I postulate that we can’t stand ourselves in the truest meaning of the word

Making the chance of rooting very difficult and seemingly absurd

We need to know and compute

That our negative mind will easily pollute

Knowing this in itself is not enough

So I must stand myself even though at first it all feels so tough.

To find oneself we need a root and branch approach

Standing still and meditating we become our very best coach.

To stand in qigong is said will gather and build your chi

So give it a go for your efforts can create a happy way to be.

Tony Stewart

Tai Chi 4 You

All rights reserved


HAPPY CHI News Extra!

The New blog: Featuring Good news awareness videos, photos, inspirational quotes, relevant scientific data regarding the corona virus crisis that you are mostly not seeing on your main stream media. Helping you get in the know and enjoy YOUR flow!


I do not do or indulge in conspiracy "complot" theories. Only top professors and scientist that present their finding for you to open minded consider. Many students are thanking me for these clips as it helps them put a better more grounded perspective on it all and indeed remove alot of fear that is being spread on in our day to day lives.

You can now easily access info on Corona, 5G, heads up on things to avoid and of course get the very latest updates on this via the blog or in each relevant menu section.

Broaden your awareness and improve your mind body and spirit lifestyle and much more. So get in the know and enjoy your flow! During the lessons the important subject that corona has become in our lives will be "parked" allowing maximum focus on the tai chi lesson you are doing.

NEWSFLASH!! Tijdelijke verzwaring van de gedeeltelijke lockdown

Sorry! Geen lessen voor twee weken: Vanaf woensdag 4 november 22.00 uur tot en met woensdag 18 november 

Spelregels voor sport in het kort

Om groepsvorming en sociale contacten te verminderen en het aantal reisbewegingen te reduceren, komen er nieuwe maatregelen voor sport.

De nieuwe maatregelen zijn:

  • Groepslessen zijn verboden.

Please note that after this latest lock down I will be looking at various options to provide an extra friday morning and evening inhal / catch up lesson. For a small investment you can also enjoy a boost to your training by doing the two Saturday and Sunday workshops planned this month: Saturday 21 & Sunday 29 November 2020 :)

This new lock down is without any doubt having drastic and highly consequential negative effects to us all. Fear, worry, sadness, loneliness, despair, anger, conflict, heart breaking moments for what ever reason!

Its easy to and understandable to panic and become upset by whats happening to our daily lives.

Yet your own imagination, your love for all your family, friends and life itself is not in lock down! Maintain a strong open minded kung fu mind and focus on what you can do, imagine positive feel good images, practice your tai chi and qigong even more than you did before! Read some of the great books that will help you maintain and improve your positive chi fit and flow!

I am available via whatsapp call or video call during the week should you have any questions or just need a positive happy chi chat helping through these next two weeks and through these challenging times.


NEWS update ivm corona maatregelingen!! Tijdelijke verzwaring van de gedeeltelijke lockdown Sorry! Geen lessen voor twee weken: Vanaf woensdag 4 november 22.00 uur tot en met woensdag 18 november 

Spelregels voor sport in het kort

Om groepsvorming en sociale contacten te verminderen en het aantal reisbewegingen te reduceren, komen er nieuwe maatregelen voor sport.

De nieuwe maatregelen zijn:

  • Groepslessen zijn verboden.

Please note that after this latest lock down I will be looking at various options to provide an extra friday morning and evening inhal / catch up lesson. For a small investment you can also enjoy a boost to your training by doing the two Saturday and Sunday workshops planned this month: Saturday 21 & Sunday 29 November 2020 :)

  • The New blog: Featuring Good news awareness videos, photos, inspirational quotes, relevent scientific data regarding the corona virus crisis that you are mostly not seeing on your main stream media. NB: I do not do or indulge in conspiracy "complot" theories. Only top professors and scientist that present their finding for you to open minded consider. Many students are thanking me for these clips as it helps them put a better more grounded perspective on it all and indeed remove alot of fear that is being spread on in our day to day lives. Thus Helping you broaden your awareness and improve your mind body and spirit lifestyle and much more. So get in the know and enjoy your flow! During the lessons the important subject that corona has become in our lives will be "parked" allowing maximum focus on the tai chi lesson you are doing.

  • Also during this two week lock down please take some time to enjoy the following pages on our website:

  1. The new Blog

  2. Home training tips and information:

  3. A Healthy body is a wealthy Body:

  1. Inspirational quotes and film clips:

appy chi News Extra: 28 october 2020

The casedemic = the so called positive tests that are in fact mostly now known to be false positives! The plandemic road show rolls on.

Since 6 months just 41 admitted to hospital!

On the chart you see a upward line of "the fake positives" yet only a very few deaths.

Conclusion no Pandemic at all! But a feardemic, lyingdemic and financial and social ruining the likes of which we've never seen before!

𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝘀 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿; 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗣𝗳𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗦𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿

Mike Yeadon is the former Chief Scientific Advisor for Big Pharna giant Pfizer.

In this short interview with Julia Hartley-Brewer from Talk Radio, he explains how Ferguson's model, on which all Government restrictions have been based on, offers no validity in the view of most scientists.

He believes there will be no second wave, and historically there never is... Suggesting that any further restrictions and loss of freedoms will be based on further lies.

Combine this information with the countless studies done that clearly show that face masks do more harm than they do good. Plenty of important information available on line to research all about the dangers of long term wearing of masks. High blood pressure etc. So always consult your doctor should you have concerns or feel the effects of having to wear one.

Good news & awareness info and must watch videos:

Be aware that when they are giving news about infections / besmettingen what they are telling you is that they are the so called "Positive tests" of which 94% are now being described by the worlds top experts as simply false positives. These test and the process used cannot detect anything at all and in no way does it factually scientifically able to locate and thus name anything including the presence of covid 19.

  • RIVM and its designer all state that the tests do not work!

  • Dutch and Belgium IC beds are no more busier than at any time in the last 20 years.

  • The WHO have declared and re confirmed that COVID 19 is simple a flu only very marginally stronger than any average flu. 

The casedemic = the so called positive tests that are in fact mostly now known to be false positives! The plandemic road show rolls on.

Since 6 months just 41 admitted to hospital in Bergen op Zoom ( see below)

On the chart you see a upward line of "the fake positives" yet only a very few deaths.

Conclusion no Pandemic at all! But a feardemic, liyingdemic and financial and social ruining the likes of which we've never seen before! click on this link to see the latest shocking low none pandemic figures for Bergen op Zoom. Its the same story across the Benulux!!


Tai Chi Workshops:

 Zaterdagochtend 31 Oktober 2020 10:00-11:45 Yang family principles to focus on in the form. Verdiepings les! The workshops are a special boost, chance to go deeper and experience new curriculum.  Qigong Tai Chi 108 form. Geschikt voor alle niveaus! Van beginners tot gevorderden, jullie zijn allen welkom!​ 

      Montessorischool Noordsingel 57 BOZ (Zij ingang) 

      Kosten; €15:00 per workshop.

Nieuwe beginners cursussen!

Vrijblijvende GRATIS Proefles:

 in Bergen op Zoom & Roosendaal 

Wees snel bij met de aanmelding voor een vrijblijvende proefles.

  • Alle leerlingen graag uw vrienden uitnodigen voor de komende Open week vanaf 21 september.

  • Please share / forward this e-mail to your friends in your address book.

  • Invite them to come and join you for a free try out Tai Chi beginners lesson.


  • Thinking of returning to your lessons? You was previously been training at the club and curious about the amazing developments of Tai Chi 4 You lessons. Come and enjoy de open week!


For the last 3 years, I have become the only Tai Chi teacher in the Benulux to be teaching the Yeung Family Authentic Style of Tai Chi. Discover this amazing journey and come for the open week. Enjoy the info below and contact me to reserve your free, get back in your flow, lesson. Learn how to truly find your feet, unique mindfulness and much more Happy Chi secrets!

Tai Chi 4 You Authentic Internal Arts School 


Unique in The Netherlands!

Tai Chi 4 You

Beginners Cursussen


Stap voor stap naar optimale gezondheid!

Creëer ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven.

Kom langs en kom tot rust. 

Let op! reserveer u proefles snel, want en vol is vol!


Transform your life:

Verander je leven door het beoefenen van de Authentieke

Yeung Family Tai Chi & Qigong 

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise

Let op! reserveren u proefles snel want vol is vol!

Kom langs, GET IN YOUR CHI FIT & FLOW en kom tot rust. 

"A Healthy Body is a Wealthy Body"

& Exercise the Secrets that are within" 

Tony Stewart

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise.

  • Tai Chi & Qigong is een fantastische manier om de gezondheid te verbeteren. 

  • De cursussen geven u ook unieke mindfulness principes om goed te kunnen helpen in deze moderne stressvolle tijden. Leuk en geschikt voor alle leeftijden.

  • Met deze totaal mind, body & spirit workout verbetert u uw coördinatie, bouwt u immuniteit op, verbetert uw kracht en flexibiliteit.

  • Tai Chi is ook ideaal voor topsporters! En ook goed voor mensen die hun conditie willen verbeteren en of lekker willen bewegen.


  • Het creëert ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven met de positieve effecten van de unique en bijzondere Tai Chi en Qigong lessen!


​De zeer ervaren Tai Chi Meester, Tony Stewart, is de enige Authentic Yeung (Yang) Family Tai Chi docent in de Benulux.  Hij heeft meer dan 30 jaar Tai Chi ervaring als docenten heeft getraind met de best van de best Martial arts docenten voor bijna 49 jaren en les gegeven sinds hij nog en tiener was van 16 jaar.  

Tony is de founder of Tai Chi 4 You and is teaching the real Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan system.  Tony is continually being taught by Sifu Jim Uglow from England: The western worlds most leading Tai Chi master of Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan.

Zo dames en heren dit is je kans om The Real Tai Chi te leren, zo dicht bij de bron als mogelijk is!


Tai Chi Workshops:

 Zondagochtend 11 Oktober 2020 & Zaterdagochtend 31 Oktober 2020 10:00-11:45 Yang family principles to focus on in the form. Verdiepings les! The workshops are a special boost, chance to go deeper and experience new curriculum.  Qigong Tai Chi 108 form. Geschikt voor alle niveaus! Van beginners tot gevorderden, jullie zijn allen welkom!​ 

      Montessorischool Noordsingel 57 BOZ (Zij ingang) 

      Kosten; €15:00 per workshop.

Nieuwe beginners cursussen!

Inloop in maand Oktober!

                                               Vrijblijvende GRATIS Proefles:

 in Bergen op Zoom & Roosendaal 

Wees snel bij met de aanmelding voor een vrijblijvende proefles.

  • Alle leerlingen graag uw vrienden uitnodigen voor de komende Open week vanaf 21 september.

  • Please share / forward this e-mail to your friends in your address book.

  • Invite them to come and join you for a free try out Tai Chi beginners lesson.


  • Thinking of returning to your lessons? You was previously been training at the club and curious about the amazing developments of Tai Chi 4 You lessons. Come and enjoy de open week!


For the last 3 years, I have become the only Tai Chi teacher in the Benulux to be teaching the Yeung Family Authentic Style of Tai Chi. Discover this amazing journey and come for the open week. Enjoy the info below and contact me to reserve your free, get back in your flow, lesson. Learn how to truly find your feet, unique mindfulness and much more Happy Chi secrets!

Tai Chi 4 You Authentic Internal Arts School 


Unique in The Netherlands!

Tai Chi 4 You

Beginners Cursussen


Stap voor stap naar optimale gezondheid!

Creëer ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven.

Kom langs en kom tot rust. 

Let op! reserveer u proefles snel, want en vol is vol!


Transform your life:

Verander je leven door het beoefenen van de Authentieke

Yeung Family Tai Chi & Qigong 

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise

Let op! reserveren u proefles snel want vol is vol!

Kom langs, GET IN YOUR CHI FIT & FLOW en kom tot rust. 

"A Healthy Body is a Wealthy Body"

& Exercise the Secrets that are within" 

Tony Stewart

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise.

  • Tai Chi & Qigong is een fantastische manier om de gezondheid te verbeteren. 

  • De cursussen geven u ook unieke mindfulness principes om goed te kunnen helpen in deze moderne stressvolle tijden. Leuk en geschikt voor alle leeftijden.

  • Met deze totaal mind, body & spirit workout verbetert u uw coördinatie, bouwt u immuniteit op, verbetert uw kracht en flexibiliteit.

  • Tai Chi is ook ideaal voor topsporters! En ook goed voor mensen die hun conditie willen verbeteren en of lekker willen bewegen.


  • Het creëert ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven met de positieve effecten van de unique en bijzondere Tai Chi en Qigong lessen!


​De zeer ervaren Tai Chi Meester, Tony Stewart, is de enige Authentic Yeung (Yang) Family Tai Chi docent in de Benulux.  Hij heeft meer dan 30 jaar Tai Chi ervaring als docenten heeft getraind met de best van de best Martial arts docenten voor bijna 49 jaren en les gegeven sinds hij nog en tiener was van 16 jaar.  

Tony is de founder of Tai Chi 4 You and is teaching the real Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan system.  Tony is continually being taught by Sifu Jim Uglow from England: The western worlds most leading Tai Chi master of Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan.

Zo dames en heren dit is je kans om The Real Tai Chi te leren, zo dicht bij de bron als mogelijk is!

Tai Chi 4 You Authentic Internal Arts School 


Unique in The Netherlands!

Tai Chi 4 You

Beginners Cursussen


Stap voor stap naar optimale gezondheid!

Creëer ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven.

Kom langs en kom tot rust. 

Let op! reserveer u proefles snel, want en vol is vol!


Transform your life:

Verander je leven door het beoefenen van de Authentieke

Yeung Family Tai Chi & Qigong 

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise

Let op! Reserveer u proefles snel want vol is vol!

Kom langs, GET IN YOUR CHI FIT & FLOW en kom tot rust. 

"A Healthy Body is a Wealthy Body"

& Exercise the Secrets that are within" 

Tony Stewart

Bekend als de Perfect Exercise.

  • Tai Chi & Qigong is een fantastische manier om de gezondheid te verbeteren. 

  • De cursussen geven u ook unieke mindfulness principes om goed te kunnen helpen in deze moderne stressvolle tijden. Leuk en geschikt voor alle leeftijden.

  • Met deze totaal mind, body & spirit workout verbetert u uw coördinatie, bouwt u immuniteit op, verbetert uw kracht en flexibiliteit.

  • Tai Chi is ook ideaal voor topsporters! En ook goed voor mensen die hun conditie willen verbeteren en of lekker willen bewegen.


  • Het creëert ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven met de positieve effecten van de unique en bijzondere Tai Chi en Qigong lessen!


​De zeer ervaren Tai Chi Meester, Tony Stewart, is de enige Authentic Yeung (Yang) Family Tai Chi docent in de Benulux.  Hij heeft meer dan 30 jaar Tai Chi ervaring als docenten heeft getraind met de best van de best Martial arts docenten voor bijna 49 jaren en les gegeven sinds hij nog en tiener was van 16 jaar.  

Tony is de founder of Tai Chi 4 You and is teaching the real Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan system.  Tony is continually being taught by Sifu Jim Uglow from England: The western worlds most leading Tai Chi master of Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan.

Zo dames en heren dit is je kans om The Real Tai Chi te leren, zo dicht bij de bron als mogelijk is!

Large Intestine’s Best friends:

Drinking plenty of clean water, Chewing food completely down to a liquid, Moving the body, Energetic, relaxing movement such as Qigong, Taichi, Nadhi Shoshana breathing. Massage and lymph movement for detoxing, Sweat a bit. Release the old and accept the new. Express emotions including crying. Meditation, Yoga. Eat an alkaline diet of fresh vegetables lightly cooked in steam. GREEN vegetables, Eat lots of natural fiber from vegetables. Avoid sugar.

Foods that relieve dampness are: onion, cinnamon, ginger, scallion, basil, rosemary, dill, oregano, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leek, chives, adzuki beans, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, turnips, raw honey, seaweed, fenugreek, and flax seed.

The Large Intestine Channel, Letting Go of What’s Not Needed

 November 18, 2010Meridians


What are the Functions of Large Intestine Meridian?
The Large Intestine is the Yang organ paired with the Yin Lungs in the Metal Element. According to the Huangdi Neijing medical text written in 2,700 BCE, its function is to “Transport all turbidity. All waste products go through it”. The Large Intestine is closely associated with the lungs and skin, which are other important detox organs. It absorbs liquid and releases anything that is no longer needed in the way of food, toxins, emotions, thereby cleansing the body, mind, and spirit.

The Source Point of the LI meridian is LI-4, Hegu, in the web of the hand between index finger and thumb. Massaging this point helps to relieve pain, clear stagnation, and vitalize Qi flow in all meridians. It’s also good for sore throat, blocked nose, abdominal pain, constipation, and more.

Large Intestine Psycho-Spiritual Issues:
The Large Intestine’s close relationship to the Lungs makes it equally affected by emotions of sadness, grief, and worry. An imbalance in the Large Intestine can cause physical weakness or emotional introversion, accompanied by feelings of depression, irritability, discouragement, distress, and apathy.

Large Intestine Consciousness
Letting go, Releasing , Grief, Self-poisoning, Control, Stubbornness, Compulsiveness, Confusion, Rigidity, Guilt, Regret, Hanging on.

for more info click on link

Real LOVE Joy and the happiest chi news to write:

As many now already have heard = On the 12th of September I went down on one knee and proposed to my amazing and very beautiful Jose and she said YES So its official we are engaged to get married and we are soooooo very HAPPY!

Hello Everyone,

We are all without doubt living through very extraordinary times! Since march of 2020 its fair to say the world has changed alot! Worry, sadness, fear, anger/conflict, frustrations heart felt lack or suppressed happy chi and joy = all these emotions are in abundance and dominating our lives as we all do out best in our day to day making the best of it ways. This abundance of negatives is highly active I believe dangerously promoted day to day in unique synchronization by our world governments. Indeed, almost all nation states around the western world.

Any top scientist, leading university of oxford virology experts or in the relevant profession, doctors, nurses or health consultants of eastern or western traditions etc who speak out face, loss of their career and being accused of being a conspiracy nut case, complot fake news geek, irresponsible etc. But thousands of these great professionals together with top lawyers are coming together and fighting back on behalf of truth justice and freedom of speech plus much more.

Main stream media & social media is heavily censoring any news which they see as not complying to the stated narratives and planned influencing programming of the masses that's clearly in full swing. Until yesterday (8 October 2020) almost all journalist in the main stream media either could not or wouldn't ask any normal common sense vitally important questions which I am sure we all want asked.

As I write this I am pleased to note that at least in the UK the BBC and more and more newspaper have finally cracked under the strain and weight of real evidence and pressure from court cases now under way. 

I have therefore decided to offer several videos and articles in the Tai Chi 4 You blog to give you the opportunity to raise your awareness that is almost totally denied you in the National news etc.

Having and continuously developing a strong Kung fu healthy open mind is vital in Yeung Family Tai Chi training. without that self defense or indeed living a joyful relaxed life would be a challenge. Stress management is for sure top sport to do right now. Tai Chi known as "the art of living" will for sure help you in ways seen and unseen especially during such times as we live in right now.

  • Positieve newsflash! Nieuwe locatie voor de maandagochtend les ! 


Beginners & Intermediate

09.30 - 10.45

​Lep op! Nieuwe met ingang van maandagochtend 28 september 2020 wij nzit op deze mooi goed locatie = Sportcentrum De Boulevard Noord 4, 4617 HD Bergen op Zoom In de multifunctionele ruimte op de 3de etage. Lift en of trap beschikbaar.  Perfect location: High quality clean facilities, free parking en option to have windows open and nice views from ons ruimte. 

Ivm de planning, de reservering en de kosten van de zaal, is het verplicht om je vooraf aan te melden voor de unique workshops:

  1. Via contact button op deze website.

  2. Via e-mail

  3. Via whatsapp of bellen:  06 26906168

  4. Of laat mij weten op uw volgende les(sen) via aanmelding / inschrijfformulier.

  5. Uiterlijk de donderdag ervoor laten weten of je komt (of niet), meld je snel aan, want vol is vol.

News archives Tai Chi 4 You started 8 april 
Corona 19 !
The Truth and science you are not getting to see or read about
in the main stream media
enjoy (1).jpg

Summer august 2020 news l;etter high lights

Tijdelijk Zomer les rooster:

Vanaf 1 July t/m 30 Juli zijn alle Bergen op Zoom lessen in de Montessorischool BoZ

is de les buiten de in BoZ. Alle Roosendaal lessen zijn as per lesrooster Dinsdagavond 20:00uur en Donderdagochtend 09:30 start tijd.

Zomer vakantie: Geen lessen vanaf 1 Augustus t/m 23 Augustus 2020

Alvast een hele fijne zomer vakantie / Have a great fun in the sun holiday 😊

Summer holiday HAPPY CHI Tai Chi & Qigong challenge:

Do these two challenges in the coming weeks up to 23 august and send me your photos

  1. Do the stand like a tree 10 to 15 minute daily Qigong challenge. During these holiday weeks find a tree that you like and do a standing qigong standing relaxed and in stillness for 10 to 15 minutes. The tree must be as old as possible and make sure you get a photo of you standing next to or infront of the tree.!​

  2. Practice your Tai Chi form and get someone to photo you in your flow! Send in  your photo and choose your holiday location as back drop or indeed while you are out enjoying a local park, woods, or beach.​​


A Healthy Body is a wealthy body!

A all new awareness page dedicated to highlighting the various and serious negative health consequences of such fast coming developments as 5G micro waves , Food additives and much more! Yes on this page the focus will be linked to how our mind body and spirit is affected by these modern experiments on us all. Any latest research into the effects on our bio electron magnetic chi will be presented here but also various practical ways of self defense to any such new lifestyle that forced on us all

So positive solutions and focus on developing a open mind and strong kung fu mind as these matters unfold in our lives. Perhaps now 5G despite all the current known evidence will prove unstoppable. I humbly present this page in the mind set that the worlds medical and political establishments must do no harm! My wish is that a joint world wide fully independent authority takes a good long look at what 5G is and any evidence of the east and west healing arts found must be presented to prevent any terrible collective unconscious mistake. devastating impact on us all.

One of the reasons we do Tai Chi and Qigong is with a prevention is better than the cure mind set. Practicing Tai Chi and qigong daily to keep our physical and chi body and our minds holistically fit and well . My one liner "A healthy body is a wealthy body" is offered here as I do my best to present healthy awareness and strong wealth of practical actions to be taken to either prevent it or minimize potential harmful consequences and help you to thrive and enjoy life and be happy to know you are armed with fresh positive knowledge that can leave it all to our kids and our grandchildren with a good clear consciousness. Clearly the amazing health benefits of Tai Chi have never been more important than now as modern stressful  lifestyles being created and promoted make me even more grateful to be learning such sound of mind and a grounded journey that Tai Chi and other personal development interest I enjoy day to day. 


Happy chi Tony Stewart.

Tai Chi Workshop: Zondagochtend 26 July 2020


Yang family principles to focus on in the form.

Verdiepings les!

The Sunday workshops are a special boost, chance to go deeper and experience new curriculum.  

Qigong Tai Chi 108 form

Geschikt voor alle niveaus!

Van beginners tot gevorderden, jullie zijn allen welkom!​

Montessorischool Noordsingel 57  (Zij ingang) Buiten in de spel

4661 SC Bergen op Zoom

Kosten €15:00 

Meld je aan voor de Tai Chi workshop

Mis het niet! 


Carnavalsvakantie:  Maandag 24 februari t/m Zondag 1 maart 2020

2e Paasdag:                Maandag 13 April 2020

Meivakantie:             Maandag  20 April t/m Zondag 3 Mei 2020

Herdenkingsdag:      Maandag 4 Mei 2020

Bevrijdingsdag:         Dinsadag 5 Mei 2020

Koningsdag:              Maandag 27 april 2020

Hemelvaart:              Donderdag 21 Mei 2020

2e Pinksterdag:         Maandag 1 Juni 2020

Zomervakantie:        Zaterdag  1 Augustus t/m  Zondag 23 Augustus 2020

Herfsvakantie:          Zaterdag 17 Oktober t/m 25 Oktober 2020

Kerstvakantie:          Maandag 21 December t/m 4 Januari 2021


newsflash of 16 june 2020

Extra GRATIS inhal lessen beschikbaar  voor alle Tai chi 4 You leden: To help give all students an extra opportunity to catch their lessons up (inhal lessen) I have decided to run an extra free Saturday morning lesson for the following dates: 

Dates: Saturdays 13 June, 20 June, 27 June with more dates possible for in July.

Lesson time: 10:00-11:15

Location: Montessorischool Bergen op Zoom.

Lesson is available for all student levels. Please let me know if you are intending to come to the Saturday class lessons, via app, e-mail or at your regular lesson.


  • Let op! de donderdagochtend les in Roosendaal is 09:30 - 10:45

  • Wijkcentrum voor de Maandagochtend lessen is weer gesloten! In the newsletter of 27th may I was happy to let you all know that we can once again do the Monday morning classes in the wijkcentrum but unforumately the local Goverment has changed its mind = Until 1st of September is the wijkcentrum closed = all lessons until then will be held out doors.

  • Zondagochtend Tai Chi workshop op 28 Juni 2020 10:00 tot 11:30 te Montessorischool.

  • Decide, Direct and do home training tip! Get into the habit of relaxing into a qigong sitting to the kua qigong while working in your kitchen! Try to stand like a tree as you are washing up or preparing the diner. This will help you build inner leg strength, general fitness and nice preparation for your tai chi form.

  • Beginners cursussen pagina is updated klik op deze link:  

Please click on these three button links to download. These are the important reminders of the protocol that we must currently be aware of and keep strictly too until further notice. New beginners attending the first session, which is currently out door open air training locations only, must kindly fill these in prior to starting their first lesson.



newsflash of 27 May 2020:

Goed nieuws! Vanaf maandagochtend 8 Juni is het Hoofdkwartier wijk centrum weer open voor binnen les. Wij mogen op deze locatie met 18 leerling tegelijk in de les. Wij zijn ruim binnen dat aantal.

HAPPY CHI NEWS: De lessen gaan starten vanaf 11 Mei: Buiten in de open lucht.

Naar aanleiding van de persconferentie van 6 Mei 19.00 uur omtrent het COVID-19 (Corona) virus waarin de maatregelen t.o.v. sluiting Stay at home / lock down, zijn updated:

Sport en spel

  • Buiten sporten in groepen is voor alle leeftijden toegestaan met ingang van 11 mei, als er 1,5 meter afstand tot elkaar kan worden gehouden. Geen wedstrijden, geen gezamenlijke kleedkamers of douches.


Verwachting per 1 september is dat de lessen kunnen starten weer in alle gymzalen. Als het virus onder controle blijft, gaat ook de deur van het slot voor de fitnessclubs, sauna’s en wellness centra, verenigingskantines,

  • Alle contactsporten en binnensporten zijn weer mogelijk voor alle leeftijden. Sportwedstrijden kunnen plaatsvinden zonder publiek. Dit geldt ook voor het betaald voetbal.

  • Over evenementen met veel publiek, zoals festivals en grote concerten wordt voorafgaand aan 1 september een besluit genomen.

Even in English:

So I am very pleased to announce that from 11 May 2020 all lessons are starting again.

Also new beginners are welcome to join the lessons available below.

The whatsapp group created to keep you updated and send an occasional supportive video clip or short news clip.

Fortunately, although it seems a long time ago since we all met up for lessons and was all on the shut down stay indoor rules, the fact that as always April and may has the school holidays and the public holidays the impact in actual missed lessons has been kept to a minimum.

Vakantie dagen waren:

2e Paasdag:                Maandag 13 April 2020

Meivakantie:             Maandag  20 April t/m Zondag 3 Mei 2020

Herdenkingsdag:  Maandag 4 Mei 2020

Bevrijdingsdag:     Dinsdag 5 Mei 2020

Koningsdag:              Maandag 27 april 2020

Actuele lessen gemist vanwege de corona crisis sinds 16 Maart zijn:

  • Maandag = 4 lessen in te halen

  • Dinsdag = 5 lessen in te halen

  • Woensdagavond = 6 lessen in te halen

  • Donderdag = 6 lessen in te halen.

​Actuele lessen nog te volgen in kwartaal 2 t/m 30 Juni 2020 zijn:

  • Maandag, woensdag en Donderdag lesson =  Nog 7 lessen om in te doen in kwartaal 2 

  • Dinsdag lesson = Nog 8 lessen om te doen in kwartaal 2 

  • Alle Studenten kunnen deze lessen inhalen.

  • Kijk naar het lesrooster schema. 


Previous news sent out on the 11th of May = For those who missed the good news


HAPPY CHI NEWS: De lessen gaan starten vanaf 11 Mei: Buiten in de open lucht.

Naar aanleiding van de persconferentie van 6 Mei 19.00 uur omtrent het COVID-19 (Corona) virus waarin de maatregelen t.o.v. sluiting Stay at home / lock down, zijn updated:

Sport en spel

  • Buiten sporten in groepen is voor alle leeftijden toegestaan met ingang van 11 mei, als er 1,5 meter afstand tot elkaar kan worden gehouden. Geen wedstrijden, geen gezamenlijke kleedkamers of douches.


TAI CHI 4 YOU Newsflash!

News update 6 April 2020:

Naar aanleiding van de persconferentie van 31 maart 19.00 uur omtrent het COVID-19 (Corona) virus waarin de maatregelen t.o.v. sluiting Stay at home / lock down, zijn verlengd tot en met tenminste dinsdag 28 april, blijft Tai Chi 4 You lessen en workshops tijdelijk gesloten voor alle lessen tot en met dinsdag 28 april.

  • In verband met de studenten die met automatische incasso betalen, kwartaal 2, zal ik dit niet in April gaan innen maar uitstellen tot 1 Mei in afwachting van de bevestiging dat de scholen en alle sportclubs weer open gaan om les te kunnen geven.

  • Studenten die al betaalt hebben voor de lessen in kwartaal 1, tot aan 31 maart, kunnen de lessen hiervoor inhalen in het les schema, wanneer de lessen weer starten. 

  • Studenten die al betaalt hebben voor kwartaal 2, zullen ook hun lessen kunnen inhalen de komende tijd wanneer deze crisis over is en de lessen weer starten. Heeft u in de laatste dagen alvast betaalt voor je lessen voor kwartaal 2 dan op basis van lessen re start vanaf 1 mei hebben jullie recht op 2 tot 3 inhaal lessen 

'Sadly there have not been any Tai Chi lessons since 15 March.

Thank you for all your positive messages to me over these last few weeks.

I am very grateful that all my love ones, family, friends and myself are all feeling well, staying safe and I am thinking of you all very much as we all do our best to get through this most challenging Corona outbreak crisis.

I wish you all and your friends and family, lots of love and Healthy chi. Stay safe and sound and keep your feet on the ground. 

All new Tai Chi 4 You home practice support page available for free covering Exercises, Qigong and information to help support form practice at home.

I will be sending out from 8 april regular video clips via whatsApp and will do so within a groups app set up to allow basic support and interactions.


I once again wish you and your friends and family all lots of strength, love and healthy protective chi. My condolences to the family of anyone who has lost their life to this Corona disease.

Stay safe and sound and keep your feet on the ground. 


Should you have any questions, concerns, need support in anyway at all, then please don't hesitate to call me.


Happy stay safe and strong healthy chi, Tony Stewart



The days ahead will be very challenging for us and all our family and friends. As I have always said to you all, please practice your Tai Chi and Qigong each day. In these very dramatic, upsetting and deeply worrying times, doing your exercises, Tai Chi and Qigong will help you stay grounded and help keep your immune system and your good chi spirits positively focused.

  • Special Whatsapp groups app for all Tai Chi 4 You members only going out 7 april with regular short training sessions to help support your home training.
  • New Qigong videos to complete the stand still be fit series: helping you practice qigong on the practice at home page: 

I am pleased to announce that I got a very nice surprise this week from the Dutch Acupuncture National Association. Paul van Delft informed me that I have won the National competition of the NVA with my one liner and poem 😆😬☺️🙏
I was ask by my acupuncturist for a one liner to promote Chinese medicine acupuncture throughout the Netherlands.
Early January sent it in and wow I won it 🙏☯️

This was the message I received: Van harte gefeliciteerd Tony, ik vind het echt geweldig en hartstikke leuk voor je. Eindelijk mag ik zeggen . Door de Corona virus is alles in de war geraakt. Maar Tony je bent de winnaarvan de NVA prijs vraag."" 

Its a good news story I certainly appreciate in these strange times. My intention was to write a line that respected the wisdom of masters of hundreds of years ago, respect the hard working living acupuncture masters of today as they apply their skills to benefit so many. I hope many more will discover and have acupuncture in the coming years. I'm feeling happy contented chi. With thanks to our local acupuncture master Paul van Delft for entering me to the competition 🍾🥂🥳🙏
This is my contribution:

“Is great wisdom behind a needle, to restore good health, harmony and flow to the people”

My Poem about acupuncture:

With the needle getting to the point.
It opens the pathways through each and every joint.

Revitalizing the body by getting it back into its flows
Helping the body relax and do all it already knows.

Unlocking the body’s gateways and zones
Restoring the patient to balance avoiding a life of grunts and groans.

All the talk of healing and prevention is only part of the plan.
For it is helping them get even better at being able to do all they can.

So include acupuncture in your life and trust the process.
For its treatment method will match its unique insight and diagnosis.

Promoting healing of your mind and body with a pin.
Helping you restore your health and that’s for sure a win win.

Written by Tony Stewart
Founder of Tai Chi 4 You
Authentic Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan

Tony Stewart award winning one liner and

I am pleased to announce that I got a very nice surprise this week from the Dutch Acupuncture National Association. Paul van Delft informed me that I have won the National competition of the NVA with my one liner and poem 😆😬☺️🙏
I was ask by my acupuncturist for a one liner to promote Chinese medicine acupuncture throughout the Netherlands.
Early January sent it in and wow I won it 🙏☯️

This was the message I received: Van harte gefeliciteerd Tony, ik vind het echt geweldig en hartstikke leuk voor je. Eindelijk mag ik zeggen . Door de Corona virus is alles in de war geraakt. Maar Tony je bent de winnaarvan de NVA prijs vraag."" 

Its a good news story I certainly appreciate in these strange times. My intention was to write a line that respected the wisdom of masters of hundreds of years ago, respect the hard working living acupuncture masters of today as they apply their skills to benefit so many. I hope many more will discover and have acupuncture in the coming years. I'm feeling happy contented chi. With thanks to our local acupuncture master Paul van Delft for entering me to the competition 🍾🥂🥳🙏
This is my contribution:

“Is great wisdom behind a needle, to restore good health, harmony and flow to the people”

My Poem about acupuncture:

With the needle getting to the point.
It opens the pathways through each and every joint.

Revitalizing the body by getting it back into its flows
Helping the body relax and do all it already knows.

Unlocking the body’s gateways and zones
Restoring the patient to balance avoiding a life of grunts and groans.

All the talk of healing and prevention is only part of the plan.
For it is helping them get even better at being able to do all they can.

So include acupuncture in your life and trust the process.
For its treatment method will match its unique insight and diagnosis.

Promoting healing of your mind and body with a pin.
Helping you restore your health and that’s for sure a win win.

Written by Tony Stewart
Founder of Tai Chi 4 You
Authentic Yeung Family Tai Chi Chuan

As we all have been placed in lock down, be feeling worry, fear and sadness we may wonder about the value of standing or sitting in a qigong posture in quite solitude then perhaps this picture quote attached from Carl Jung might be a good helpful support at these most strange times we are going through.

I agree as:
No words, no endless reading or writing on line trying to shout louder than the other big kids in the room.
Born again chi masters who proclaim to this or that will solve it all..most of these twats are making it all up as they go along..some are well meaning but most is a host of distractions from our own unique inner world.


Love and happy silent chi,
Tony Stewart.

Carl Gustav Jung.jpg
To stay positive and happy chi in good times is easy. Only a strong kung fu mind can do this in strange times that we are now going through. So exercise your mind strengthen it daily and regularly empty your mind to keep it kind 🙏
Stay safe and stay well 🙏
Happy Chi Tony Stewart
Strengthen your mind.jpg
If you cant go outside go within.jpg

Lessen in Bergen op Zoom: 


Beginners & Intermediate

09.30 - 10.45

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

Let op nieuwe outdoor locatie voor de maandagochtend lessen is:


Beginners & Intermediate


Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

NB: Lodijke school gymzaal is gesloten..

Basisschool Lodijke Ouderdinge 15 4617 NL Bergen op Zoom

Gymzaal Zij ingang bij einde van de Zwarte Waal weg



Alleen voor Tai Chi 4 You Intermediate & Gevoorderde leerlingen

20:15 - 21:30 

NB: I.v.m RIVM is de Lodijke school gymzaal is gesloten..

Basisschool Lodijke Ouderdinge 15 4617 NL Bergen op Zoom

Gymzaal Zij ingang bij einde van de Zwarte Waal weg 



Beginners 19:00 - 20:15


Intermediate / Advanced 20.15-21.30 

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

Montessorischool Noordsingel 57

4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)     



Beginners & Intermediate


Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

NB: Lodijke school gymzaal is gesloten..

Basisschool Lodijke Ouderdinge 15 4617 NL Bergen op Zoom

Gymzaal Zij ingang bij einde van de Zwarte Waal weg

Lessen in Roosendaal: 

lessons is Roosendaal closed until further notice ivm Corona outbreak decided by Government.


Beginners & Intermediate 

20.00 - 21.15

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

Gymzaal Jadedijk 11 4706KP Roosendaal  



Beginners & Intermediate 

08:45 - 10:00

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

Gymzaal Jadedijk 11 4706KP Roosendaal    

News Extra!

I am pleased to announce that I got a very nice surprise this week from the Dutch Acupuncture National Association. Paul van Delft informed me that I have won the National competition of the NVA with my one liner and poem 😆😬☺️🙏
I was ask by my acupuncturist for a one liner to promote Chinese medicine acupuncture throughout the Netherlands.
Early January sent it in and wow I won it 🙏☯️

This was the message I received: Van harte gefeliciteerd Tony, ik vind het echt geweldig en hartstikke leuk voor je. Eindelijk mag ik zeggen . Door de Corona virus is alles in de war geraakt. Maar Tony je bent de winnaarvan de NVA prijs vraag."" 

Its a good news story I certainly appreciate in these strange times. My intention was to write a line that respected the wisdom of masters of hundreds of years ago, respect the hard working living acupuncture masters of today as they apply their skills to benefit so many. I hope many more will discover and have acupuncture in the coming years. I'm feeling happy contented chi. With thanks to our local acupuncture master Paul van Delft for entering me to the competition 🍾🥂🥳🙏
This is my contribution:

“Is great wisdom behind a needle, to restore good health, harmony and flow to the people”

To read my poem also sent to the NVA competition please see the extended news page.

Telegram-app icon.jpg
Whatsapp contact button.png
Contact informatie

Telefoon  : 06 26906168

Email      :



Lessen in Bergen op Zoom . klik hier: 

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© Tai Chi 4 You. Niets van deze site mag, geheel of gedeeltelijk, op welke wijze dan ook, worden overgenomen zonder voorafgaande uitdrukkelijke schriftelijke toestemming van Tai Chi 4 You/Tony Stewart.

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