12 meridians
12 Meridians of Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine mapped the pathways of the 12 meridians thousands of years ago. On these pathways, over 350 points (also called acupressure points, acupuncture points, acupoints) were identified. Points are specific locations on meridians where the Qi can be accessed.
Meridians are located on both sides of the body The 12 meridians on one side of the body are mirrored on the other side of the body. Therefore, a meridian on the right arm is also on the left arm, and vice versa. The same is true for meridians and points on the legs, chest, abdomen, back, head, and face.
The 12 Meridians:
Lung Meridian
Large Intestine Meridian
Stomach Meridian
Spleen Meridian
Heart Meridian
Small Intestine Meridian
Bladder Meridian
Kidney Meridian
Pericardium Meridian
Triple Heater (San Jiao) Meridian
Gallbladder Meridian
Liver Meridian
Internal meridian pathways Each meridian flows from a specific Organ, as named above. Every meridian has an internal pathway that connects to other Organs and areas of the body. Eventually, the internal meridian will come to the surface of the skin, where it becomes external. External meridian pathways Acupoints are located on the external pathways. These are the familiar lines seen on meridian and point charts. Depending on the meridian, there are 9 to 67 points located on it.
I have placed these 12 videos so that they follow the meridian clock timing, starting with the spleen meridian. (Traditional Chinese Medicine favours the lung meridian). You can start with any one you like, but it’s best to stick to the same order. I have collected here the 12 meridian videos for you.
As You practice Tai Chi and qigong you relax and calm the mind body and spirit. The Chi goes and flows were the mind goes! So as you focus your attention and intention your meriadians get a flow through boost, Flushing out excess and restoring the balance in the qi body system. The more our chi is in balance the healthy we can be.
1. Spleen Meridian
Class: Yin, Leg
Chinese Element: Earth
Peak Activation: 0900 – 1100
Length: 33 secs
2. Heart Meridian
Chinese Element: Fire
Peak Activation: 1100 – 1300 Length: 22 secs
3. Small Intestine Meridian
Class: Yang, Arm
Chinese Element: Fire
Peak Activation: 1300 – 1500
Length: 34 secs
4. Bladder Meridian
Class: Yang, Leg
Chinese Element: Water
Peak Activation: 1500 – 1700
Length: 1:03 secs
05. Kidney Meridian
Class: Yin, Leg
Chinese Element: Water
Peak Activation: 1700 – 1900
Length: 41 secs
6. Pericardium (Circulation Sex) Meridian Class: Yin, Arm Chinese Element: Fire Peak Activation Time: 1900 – 2100 Length: 24 secs
7. Triple Warmer (SanJiao) Meridian
Class: Yang, Arm
Chinese Element: Fire
Peak Activation: 2100 – 2300
Length: 30 sec
8. Gall Bladder Meridian
Class: Yang, Leg
Chinese Element: Wood
Peak Activation: 2300 – 0100
Length: 1:01 secs
9. Liver Meridian
Class: Yin, Leg
Chinese Element: Wood
Peak Activation: 0100 – 0300
Length: 34 secs
10. Lung Meridian
Yin, Arm
Chinese Element: Metal
Peak Activation: 0300 – 0500
Length: 20 secs
11. Large Intestine Meridian
Class: Yang, Arm
Chinese Element: Metal
Peak Activation: 0500 – 0700
Length: 28 secs
12. Stomach Meridian Yang, Leg Chinese Element: Earth Peak Activation: 0700 – 0900 Length: 46 secs