Zomer vakantie: 9 Augustus t/m 29 Augustus 2021
Tai Chi Workshop: Zondag 11 July 2021
Zondag 27 Juni & 11 July 2021
Geschikt voor alle niveaus!
10:00-11:45 uur
Workshop Inhoud:
Yeung Family Style 108 form
Geschikt voor alle niveaus! Van beginners tot gevorderden, jullie zijn allen welkom!
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57 (Zij ingang) 4661 SC Bergen op Zoom
€15:00 inclusief thee en biologische koekjes.
Rumble — BREAKING: GROOT USA TV NETWERK BRENGT WAARHEID OVER VACCIN AAN HET LICHT - NL ONDERTITELD!!! https://rumble.com/vhux2b-breaking-groot-usa-tv-netwerk-brengt-waarheid-over-vaccin-aan-het-licht.htmlPublished May 31, 2021 61,696 Views
"Get in the know, become aware and what you discover be sure to share! Take the time to study the many doctors, the world best scientist that truly know, as this will ensure you stay healthy, safe and able to enjoy your real happy chi flow" Tony Stewart
Vanaf 2 Sept wij zijn terug in de Basisschool Lodijke Ouderdinge 15 4617 NL Bergen op Zoom
Gymzaal Zij ingang bij einde van de Zwarte Waal weg
Saturday morning lesson
Beginners to advanced welcome 10:00 - 11:30
All levels welcome: Beginners, Intermediate / Advanced
Temporary outdoor lesson until further notice to allow for students to catch up their lessons missed due to the unfortunate lock down laws and also give beginners a extra get started opportunity!
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
In school grounds.
Statement by Tony Stewart.
Tai Chi 4 You is fully committed to prevention is better than the cure principle. The practice of Tai Chi helps in protecting, improving, maintaining as optimal as possible your health, balance and vitality in MIND BODY & SPIRIT. It is not for nothing called the perfect exercise! Regular practicing Tai Chi & Qigong is very good for supporting/strengthening or restoring your immune system!
The vital role that regular Tai Chi & Qigong can have in your life has perhaps never been more needed, more important as it is now and in the months/years ahead.
We are living in very OMG unthinkable, amazing times and the challenges to us all are becoming clearer day by day. These challenges may well become even more incredibly testing to us all in the many months ahead.
Without any doubt the seven negative emotions are being excessively promoted, falsely created 24/7 in our day to day lives. In excess these seven are: (not grounded happiness (joy), anger, worry (overthinking), grief, sorrow, fear, and freight (shock). Also naturally being promoted and created is despair, disgust,. sadness, lack of joy, rage, resistance to what is happening, Loneliness, a sense of disconnection and division, a what’s the point laziness/melancholy and general annoyance restlessness. These naturally or unnaturally occurring yet negatively damaging stresses to our human system must be avoided, let go of / released as much as possible. Many of these negative emotions simple naturally happen as a result of life’s events and we perhaps cannot always prevent them. So instead of just stopping them one can start to shift the focus on imagining and creating a positive thinking and feeling mind set. Focus on what you want and what makes you feel good and commit to maintaining as positive a mindset as you can. Being grounded as you can, with optimal joyfulness, happy chi, loving life and living it being free to be.
“Do No Harm” Is the principle of all worlds medicine professions!
Most of our greatest scientific minds are warning us all of and being totally ignored / side lined by so obviously corrupted special self- interest dogmatic groups linked to the darker side of the pharmacist industry. Main Stream media is bizarrely doing propaganda the same way and using massive controlled censorship. The World Doctors for truth Alliance, many other leading respected institutions including the British medical Association and the large majority of top medical experts around the world are horrified by the collective decisions and actions that the Governments are doing. Efforts to stop. avert and limit the inevitable impacts to us all is being taken to the highest legal courts we have and succeeding globally. Progress is slow but sure. Humanity stands on the brink of catastrophic self-inflicted series of momentous events!
If this all pans out then and this is looking highly likely, then what to do will become even more important. What can I / we do will be a priority for sure.
I am lucky to be guided, coached and trained by one of the very best, most advanced internal arts Tai Chi, Qigong and Kung fu masters in the world.
These amazing skills I am deeply honored to convey to you all as best as I can.
Tai Chi 4 You School will focus on:
Developing a strong kung fu Mind, Body and Spirit! Teaching you this amazing art. Awareness coaching, bringing to you good sound information that you will benefit you becoming more conscious of what to avoid whilst at the same time offing you practical solutions, helping you through these times we are being forced to go through. Enjoy helping you getting to know yourself and the tai chi form. Feel the peacefulness as you do your weekly lesson(s) that will benefit and help you throughout your day to day lives.
Positive solutions on how to strengthen your immune system. Yes we do have a incredible fantastic immune system which we must trust, support and allow it to do its work. Getting in your ZEN, feeling centered and grounded. A focused relaxed mindfulness as you enjoy stillness in motion and motion in the stillness will help you avoid the opposing opposites of chaos vs over the top controlling that is effecting us so very much.
Tai chi regular practice can help you and your family to prevent, protect, restore and maintain your health, harmony and vitality no matter what the future brings.
Life is full of choices! Lets choose to imagine a good positive thriving future were holistic wellness, truth, justice, freedom to be and enjoying life to the full is loved and lived freely naturally. See it, feel it and do what you can to create it. Focus on what you want and avoid and say NO to what you don't want = Say yes to FREEDOM TO BE & DON'T comply or consent or facilitate what you do not want for yourself or your love ones!
Improve and transform your life as you exercise the secrets that are within! LOVE & free to be Happy chi, Tony.
NB: Thank you to all members, students that are returning to the lessons and a warm welcome to the many beginners that find us in the future.
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
--Dale Carnegie
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
--Nelson Mandela
Believe in yourself. Listen deeply to your intuition,
Never allow fear to overwhelm you and make you do anything that you otherwise would never have done.
Things done out of fears all to often lead to regrets and tears!
Be very, very patient, patience is powerful! Be steadfast in your commitment to protect the temple that is your body.
The in good time a shift will occur and the dark clouds of what we once feared will be gone and you can then move forward proud you held deeply to your principles and said no to what deep down you know are lies and then live lovingly steadfast with 100 focus to as best you can follow and live your destiny.
As love overcomes fear and releases fear! When you love you live. So in your own unique way remember to be love! 😊
Happy Chi Tony Stewart.
24 03 2021
Via the Truths about CVac page and the Breaking news page you can get to know vitally important information which tragically is not available on any mainstream media channels. Free info to help protect your long term happy chi, health harmony and vitality.
Tai Chi online lessen: Depending on the weather and the next Government announcement expected early April these online lessons may well stop and all lessons might then be out doors..As soon as i here I will let you all know. For now these are the online lessons:
Monday morning 09:30-10:45 online lesson
Tuesday evening online lesson 20:00-21:15
Wednesday evening lessons 19:00-20:10 & 20:15-21:30 online lessons
Thursday morning 09:00-10:15 online lesson
Thursday evening 20:00-21:15 online lesson
A few happy chi strengthen your kung fu mind lines from Tony: 24032021
Believe in yourself. Listen deeply to your intuition,
Never allow fear to overwhelm you and make you do anything that you otherwise would never have done.
Things done out of fears all to often lead to regrets and tears!
So pause all ego opinions and with a open mind do your research. Download BRAVE & DuckDuckgo search engine is advert free, fast and big brother free and provides real comprehensive science to help you discover and become aware.
Be very, very patient, patience is powerful! Be steadfast in your commitment to protect the temple that is your body.
If it does not feel right then it usually is not right! So trust your gut instincts.
Trust that feeling!
You are always braver than you think.
Your mind body and spirit is far more talented than you know.
You are a sphere of energy, a bio electromagnetic energy life force. Your sphere ball of light field that is within and outside your body.
Nurture, protect and take good care of your life force as if you life depends on it because it does!
Allow it be it as it is the highly intelligent = trust your true self.
You have a amazing self-defense master its called your immune system and capable of far more than you imagine.
Open your eyes and apply common sense = ask is this common-sense? If there is a lack of basic common sense then don’t do it.
TIME. Let time be the solution. Give the whole situation time, keep yourself positively optimistic and focus on what you can do from day to day. Relax knowing every small contribution does make a difference.
The in good time a shift will occur and the dark clouds of what we once feared will be gone and you can then move forward proud you held deeply to your principles and said no to what deep down you know are lies and then live lovingly steadfast with 100 focus to as best you can follow and live your destiny.
Happy Chi Tony Stewart.
PS: As love overcomes fear and releases fear! When you love you live. So in your own unique way remember to be love! 😊
BREAKING! Internationaal Strafhof aanvaard klacht overtreding Neurenberg-code door Israëlische regering
Schending code van Neurenberg door regering Israël en andere partijen
Op 5 maart werd bekend dat de “People of Truth” -organisatie een klacht indiende bij het Haags Tribunaal tegen de Israëlische regering die via Pfizer illegale experimenten uitvoert op Israëlische burgers. (bron)
De organisatie omvat advocaten, artsen, publieke activisten en het grote publiek die ervoor hebben gekozen om hun democratisch recht uit te oefenen. Zij willen geen experimentele medische behandeling krijgen (Corona-vaccin) en ze voelen dat ze onder grote en ernstige illegale druk staan door (een deel) van de Israëlische regering, de media, parlementariërs en ministers, hoge openbare vertegenwoordigers, burgemeesters, en anderen. (bron)
Samenwerking met Reiner Fuellmich
Vorig week werd ook door advocaten Ruth Makhacholovsky en Aryeh Suchowolski een klacht ingediend bij het Tribunaal in Den Haag vanwege de schendingen van de code van Neurenberg door de Israëlische regering en anderen die in de vorige alinea vermeld werden.(bron) (bron)
Advocaat Ruth Makhchowolski vertelde Israel News op 5 maart dat “tegelijkertijd het beroep ook zal worden ingediend bij het Tribunaal van Neurenberg samen met de Duitse advocaat Reiner Fuellmich.” (bron)
Tactieken om vaccinatiebereidheid te bevorderen
De aanklacht luidt:
“Schending van de Neurenberg-code door de Israëlische regering en aanvullende (instanties red.)”
“We adresseren u in de naam van “Anshei Emet”, een broederschap van artsen, fysici, wetenschappers, advocaten, activisten en het volk die de keuze hebben gemaakt gebruik te maken van hun democratisch recht om niet mee te doen aan de experimentele medische behandeling tegen COVID19 en die zich onder zware druk voelen, hard en illegaal, door de regering, leden van de Knesset, ministers, publiekelijk gekozen vertegenwoordigers, burgemeesters en meerderen.”
In de klacht wordt ook de vergelijking gemaakt met Nazi-criminelen die zijn veroordeeld vanwege zulk soort medische experimenten.
“Dit is, in feite, een genetisch medisch experiment op de mensheid.”
Ook wordt aangekaart dat alternatieve normale methodes om dit griepvirus te bestrijden ten alle tijde werd genegeerd en geridiculiseerd.
Door deze misdaad hebben in Israël alleen 41% van de gevaccineerde politiemensen, militairen, scholieren en medisch personeel levensbedreigende bijwerkingen gekregen na het toedienen van het experimentele vaccin, zo staat geschreven in de klacht.
“Het is al bewezen dat vele mensen overleden, verlamd raakten, gewond raakten en gehandicapt raakten door het vaccin. Toch ging de Israëlische regering gewoon door met het vaccinatie-programma.”
In de klacht worden ook de omkoopschandalen besproken:
“Mensen kregen van verschillende bedrijven gratis hotel overnachtingen, extra vakantiedagen, kregen voordelen van de regering en er werden meer rechten toegewezen aan gevaccineerden (lees: rechten worden afgenomen van niet gevaccineerden).”
De eis van Anshei Emet:
Stop onmiddellijk met het medische experiment en de toediening van vaccins aan het Israëlische publiek.
Om de regering te vragen alle wetgevende procedures goed te keuren die niet in strijd zijn met het principe van de geïnformeerde toestemming van een persoon om de hierboven beschreven medische behandeling te ontvangen, die de wettelijke status in Israël en in de Israëlische democratie ontkent, inclusief het vermijden van de aanmaak van een vaccinatiepaspoort , waardoor de namen van degenen die niet zijn ingeënt bij de lokale autoriteiten of een andere relevante wetgever.
De strengste maatregelen nemen tegen een openbare, zakelijke of tewerkstellingseenheid die de arbeidswetten van de staat of andere zaken schendt die vereist zijn om vaccinatiedwang of -aanbieding, evenals discriminatie, te voorkomen tegen degenen die ervoor kiezen om de bovengenoemde innovatieve medische zorg niet te ontvangen.
We willen erop wijzen dat een kopie van dit document ook zal worden doorgestuurd naar de media over de hele wereld wegens schending van de Code van Neurenberg. Relevant in alle landen van de vrije wereld.
En als laatste opmerking moet worden opgemerkt dat pas onlangs een besluit is genomen in de Raad van Europa op 27/1/21, waarin alle autoriteiten worden bevolen om geen druk of verzoek uit te oefenen op mensen om het Corona-vaccin op enigerlei wijze in te nemen. . Daarom, wat goed is voor geavanceerde Europese landen, is zeker ook goed voor Israël – en de balans spreekt voor zich ”.
Het lijkt erop dat Pfizer en de andere prikleveranciers een moeilijke tijd tegemoet gaan. Datzelfde kan wel eens gaan gelden voor een fiks aantal overheden.
Opvallend is dat ALLE MEDIA wereldwijd er volgens de advocaten van op de hoogte zijn.
De aanklacht zal zeker ook tegen de media gericht zijn. We nemen aan dat de media daadwerkelijk op de hoogte zijn en we zijn heel benieuwd hoe de media hiermee omgaan of dat ze er überhaupt verslag van doen. Vanavond Nieuwsuur?
Hier is de link naar de klacht ingediend bij het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag:
Eenzelfde soort klacht zal worden toegevoegd bij het Tribunaal van Neurenberg samen met de Duitse advocaat Reiner Fuellmich
Special offer to help for our heroes!
FREE Beginners lessons for all our Health, Hotel & Horeca workers!
Doctors, nurses, Shop owners, hotel and horeca can all enjoy free lessons in April 2021 = Gratis proeflessen
Special offer to help for our heroes!
FREE Beginners lessons for all our Health, Hotel & Horeca workers! scrol down to see more details.
copied over 27022021
Informatie over de toespraak waarin de harde lockdown is tot tenminste begin April 2021. Mocht het zo zijn dat we wij mogen samen komen op locatie of buiten dan Ik zal jullie z.s.m laten weten via app & e-mail met de news update.
On line lessons for all members & free beginners lessons (gratis proeflessen) available during this lock down. If you want a one to one lesson please contact me.
Book your place in one of the online sessions or and or plan and reserve your place for the new beginners course that should be back in the locations from starting from begin April 2021!
Enjoy the Happy Chi lifestyle Coaching page. See here the menu of articles
How to protect yourself against 5G EMF & wifi.
Happy Chi Mind. Poem by Tony Stewart.
Lots of photo quotes offering various healthy need to know info.
Protect Your Health By Giving Your Immune System A Boost.
An Extremely Effective, Simple Treatment for Colds and Flu.
5 Best Acupressure Points for Fever, Cold and Flu
Harvard In Brief: Tai chi gives immune system a boost
Enjoy the audio book Tao Te Ching read by The late Wayne Dyer & the video: The Art of effortless living 1 & part 2
Feb news 2021
1. Latest newsflash & updates!
Informatie over de toespraak waarin de harde lockdown tot tenminste 2 Maart 2021 is aangekondigd.
Good news! Tai Chi 4 You is open = on line lessen:
this featured in the newsflash page..
Inhoud / news contents. News summary:
Further to my newsletter of yesterday. I am very pleased to inform you all that the Gemeente have confirmed in writing that we can continue with our Tai Chi lessons AS PER LESROOSTER EN ALL LOCATIONS. Please note we must strictly keep to and within the corona maatregelen / rules that are before us all.
Onderstaand treft u de gewijzigde maatregelen die per 14 oktober 22.00 uur van kracht zijn:
Voor het sporten binnen geldt aanvullend dat mag worden gesport met maximaal 30 personen tegelijk
Voor de sporthallen is dit maximaal 30 personen per zaaldeel
Alle andere maatregelen die in eerdere communicatie zijn medegedeeld, niet zijnde bovenstaande maatregelen, zijn nog altijd van kracht. Aandacht voor de 1,5 meter maatregel en de hygiënemaatregelen blijven van cruciaal belang willen we deze tweede golf met elkaar kunnen bestrijden.
This is all very HAPPY CHI NEWS! So I wish you all a happy make the best of it all herfstvakantie
Other news!
After many years of using facebook and having a successful Tai Chi 4 You facebook page I have decided per direct to no longer post anything in that Tai Chi 4 You "social media" page. Inspirational, Tai Chi & Qigong, Lifestyle coaching, and many more "healthy body is a wealthy body" tips and info will be sent to you via whatsapp, Telegram, e-mail and of course enjoyed in this website.
Newsflash of yesterday 14 october:
Please note that as of today 14 October all Tai chi lessons are going ahead as per lesson roster. Up to a max of 30 so we can without masks enjoy improving our health and immune system and holistic health etc. Lets all ensure that we maintain a happy positive training environment respecting the wishes of all who attend the lessons.
Happy chi Tony.
NB: Please see the New Blog postings for a more comprehensive statement.
Herfsvakantie: Zaterdag 17 Oktober t/m 25 Oktober 2020 = geen lessen in herfstvakantie!
Tai Chi Workshops: Zondagochtend 11 Oktober 2020 & Zaterdagochtend 31 Oktober 2020 10:00-11:45 Graag even laten weten als je bent van plan om te komen aanstande Zondag 11 Oktober.
Beginners Cursussen
Vanaf 20 Januari 2021
Vrijblijvende GRATIS Proefles:
in Bergen op Zoom & Roosendaal
Let op! reserveer uw proefles snel want vol is vol!
Stap voor stap naar optimale gezondheid!
Creëer ontspanning, vitaliteit, rust en balans in uw leven.
Kom langs en kom tot rust.
Wilt u werken aan uw gezondheid?
Lekker bewegen en beter ontspannen?
Unique in Netherlands!
Authentic Yeung (Yang) Family Tai Chi
As A Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner with more than 35 years of practicing and teaching Authentic Tai chi and Qigong. I am now very pleased to be a member of
The World Doctors for Truth & Freedom Alliance
Click on the globe for more info
Can we find our own instinct and peacefully yet decisively stop the 5G EMFs?
6G is very dangerously disruptive our chi. Very unhealthy consequences to all life on this planet. Yet we are mostly very unaware, unconscious of something that is invisible! But soon as you will see from this video it will be very visible and the illnesses resulting will slowly become more obvious to all. The art of living is instinctively natural
Nieuwe beginners cursussen! VANAF 10 Februari 2021
beginners zijn van harte welkom! Vrijblijvende GRATIS Proefles: in Bergen op Zoom & Roosendaal Wees er snel bij met de aanmelding voor een vrijblijvende proefles.
Please recommend your friends to enjoy a gratis proefles from January 20th January 2021
and happy chi to you all !
The Dutch Government has introduced their Harde lockdown tot en met 19 januari 2021
Sadly the last lessons of this week and the first two weeks lessons of 2021. Tai Chi School is, like forced to shut down. First lessons expected from 20th Januari. Extra Friday evening lessons planned to help with catching up lessons missed.
Want to plan your new year early? Then please book your place for the amazing new beginners course starting in 2021!
Remember your mind body and spirit is not locked down!!! Strengthen your Kung fu MIND practice exercising your BODY Tai Chi daily and stay grounded in the knowing that your SPIRIT is free to be!
“Imagination and dreams have no restrictions! Meaning we can look ahead and smile at and enjoy our own predictions” Tony Stewart
Vakanties: Kerstvakantie: Maandag 21 December t/m 3 Januari 2021
December newsletter 2020
Special offer to help for our heroes!
FREE Beginners lessons for all our Health, Hotel & Horeca workers! scrol down to see more details.
NB: Alle lessen gaat gewoon weer door. Dus alle groepslessen zijn weer toegestaan.
Just to be clear no masks are required in the gymzaal were we practice :)
Hi Everyone, I wish you all lots of happy chi training fun as we enjoy the last weeks of lessons in December. I give you all a very special thank you and sincere gratitude. Wow what a year its been! I want to thank you all for your loyalty, your positive mental keep going and go for it, positive attitude to continue your weekly lessons throughout these most bizarre and strangest of times we are all having to live through. Very sadly some students have been unable to attend the lessons due to the various reasons related to the Covid 19 drama. Fears, worry and various understandable and all too often unavoidable circumstances, have led to some having to hopefully only pause their attendance to Tai Chi 4 You lessons. I sincerely hope that in the new year we can all enjoy seeing many of them back in their flow and once again enjoying the positive mind body and spirit benefits that Yeung Family Tai Chi offers us all.
Its, as always, a great honor and pleasure to teach you all and experience your progress. Watching everyone really doing their best and seeing the individual personal development / benefits everyone is expressing and showing. Lets enjoy these last few training weeks of this year and make 2021 a wonderful joyful happy chi year!
Please recommend your friends to enjoy a gratis proefles from January 20th January 2021
Love and happy festive chi to you all !
Let op!
Very unfortunately I have to confirm that due to the Corona maatregeling we are not allowed to enjoy are traditional Christmas Kerst borrel celebrations which we have so enjoyed for so many years up to now. One thing for sure is I will ensure we all ensure those last lessons of the year and as soon as these unprecedented new laws are cancelled I will arrange a Tai Chi 4 You freedom from it all day party and we can then enjoy a great happy chi drinks and borrel / BBQ together.
Vakanties: Kerstvakantie: Maandag 21 December t/m 3 Januari 2021
Woensdagavond: 19:00-20:15 wees snel bij!! Nog 10 plekken beschikbaar!
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
Inspirational Quotes of the month! Helping you stay strong, feel good, practice more and keep focused
I wrote this on 22 November 2017 three years ago!
I hope in these tough, bizarre and strange restricted times we all are forced to live in that this poem will help you feel good and find your inner true self.
This morning after my qigong meditation I wrote this poem down to express a voice to those who feel theirs is lost when things go wrong, not listened to and feeling all in distressed etc: Life can come along and either tire you or inspire you! I hope this will inspire you.
Find your voice and sing your song.
Yet this doesn't always mean your problems are gone.
Don't feel blocked
and don't be shocked
When barking up the wrong tree
Just let it be.
Go within and find your feet
then from there enjoy imagining all the good you will meet.
When ones heart goes out and finds itself in a drought
It goes within and becomes full of doubt.
This tension of it all makes our heart become too hot going to places that it should not.
Our ego misdirects our heart, creating an false illusion that our aims are tied in a knot.
So don't despair and never resist,
just keep going and always persist.
Keep on track when nothing comes back
and don't panic for your life hasn't been given the sack.
Focus on your love and passion for don't worry its not gone out of fashion
Love and happy chi, Tony.
Nu beschikbaar Private Tai Chi lessons! one to one or 2 to 5 students!
Bent u geinteresseerd in private lessons or an alternative lesson time please don't hesitate to contact me. Het locatie is in bergen op Zoom op mij eigen praktijk.
Graag mij even laten weten via de contact pagina of Tel 06 26906168 or info@taichi4you.nl
Binnenkort! Coming soon!
Nieuwe lessen verwacht in 2022!
As soon as possible in 2022 I am planning to re open these lesson days and times.
If the currently available Wednesday evening 19:00 lesson is not your preference then please send me a e-mail to put your name down on the waiting lists for one or more of the following lessons.
Nu beschikbaar Private Tai Chi lessons! one to one or 2 to 5 students!
Bent u geinteresseerd in private lessons or an alternative lesson time please don't hesitate to contact me. Het locatie is in bergen op Zoom op mij eigen praktijk.
Graag mij even laten weten via de contact pagina of Tel 06 26906168 or info@taichi4you.nl
Binnenkort! Coming soon!
Nieuwe lessen verwacht in 2022!
As soon as possible in 2022 I am planning to re open these lesson days and times.
If the currently available Wednesday evening 19:00 lesson is not your preference then please send me a e-mail to put your name down on the waiting lists for one or more of the following lessons.
Bergen op Zoom:
Beginners & Intermediate
09.30 - 10.45
Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form
Lesson will be in Bergen op Zoom = location to be confirmed.
Beginners & Intermediate
Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form
Lesson will be in Bergen op Zoom = location to be confirmed.
Nieuwe lessen verwacht in Roosendaal:
20.00 - 21.15
Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form
Lesson will be in Roosendaal = Location to be confirmed.
09:30 - 10:45
Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form
Lesson will be in Roosendaal = location to be confirmed.
Nu beschikbaar Private Tai Chi lessons! one to one or 2 to 5 students!
Bent u geinteresseerd in private lessons or an alternative lesson time please don't hesitate to contact me. Het locatie is in bergen op Zoom op mij eigen praktijk.
Graag mij even laten weten via de contact pagina of Tel 06 26906168 or info@taichi4you.nl
Binnenkort! Coming soon!
Nieuwe lessen verwacht in 2022!
As soon as possible in 2022 I am planning to re open these lesson days and times.
If the currently available Wednesday evening 19:00 lesson is not your preference then please send me a e-mail to put your name down on the waiting lists for one or more of the following lessons.
Inspirational Quotes of the month! Helping you stay strong, feel good, practice more and keep focused
I wrote this on 22 November 2017 three years ago!
I hope in these tough, bizarre and strange restricted times we all are forced to live in that this poem will help you feel good and find your inner true self.
This morning after my qigong meditation I wrote this poem down to express a voice to those who feel theirs is lost when things go wrong, not listened to and feeling all in distressed etc: Life can come along and either tire you or inspire you! I hope this will inspire you.
Find your voice and sing your song.
Yet this doesn't always mean your problems are gone.
Don't feel blocked
and don't be shocked
When barking up the wrong tree
Just let it be.
Go within and find your feet
then from there enjoy imagining all the good you will meet.
When ones heart goes out and finds itself in a drought
It goes within and becomes full of doubt.
This tension of it all makes our heart become too hot going to places that it should not.
Our ego misdirects our heart, creating an false illusion that our aims are tied in a knot.
So don't despair and never resist,
just keep going and always persist.
Keep on track when nothing comes back
and don't panic for your life hasn't been given the sack.
Focus on your love and passion for don't worry its not gone out of fashion
Love and happy chi, Tony.
Nu beschikbaar Private Tai Chi lessons! one to one or 2 to 5 students!
Bent u geinteresseerd in private lessons or an alternative lesson time please don't hesitate to contact me. Het locatie is in bergen op Zoom op mij eigen praktijk.
Graag mij even laten weten via de contact pagina of Tel 06 26906168 or info@taichi4you.nl
Binnenkort! Coming soon!
Nieuwe lessen verwacht in 2022!
As soon as possible in 2022 I am planning to re open these lesson days and times.
If the currently available Wednesday evening 19:00 lesson is not your preference then please send me a e-mail to put your name down on the waiting lists for one or more of the following lessons.
Saturday morning Tai Chi workshop! At the Stayokay Bergen op Zoom. 10:00-11-15. Suitable for all levels! We meet up at the entrance to Stayokay lesgeld Special korting workshop fee = €10:00 Adress: Boslustweg 1, 4624 RB Bergen op Zoom.
Maandagavond: 20:15-21:30 Intermediate & Advanced
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
Woensdagavond: 19:00-20:15 Beginners. Wees snel bij!! Nog 10 plekken beschikbaar!
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
Woensdagavond: 20:15-21:30 Intermediate & Advanced
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
available for Beginners to advanced.
& weekly Saturday morning workshops
Small groups lessons or Private lessons available upon request
31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die
November 28, 2021 4:20 pm
In the time I took to update and re write my website a new update came in meaning an average of 90,000 people are reported as injured by these vaccine every 2 weeks! and 1100 deaths per two weeks!! This is only 1% of the real total that experts have assessed.
From 1 December most likely until the Christmas holidays, your Wednesday evening lessons are going to be on line. 19:00-20:10 & 20:15-21:30 online lessons. Your unique lesson in log code will be sent via e-mail to all students registered for these lessons times.
Kerstvakantie: Maandag 20 December t/m 2 Januari 2022
The worlds best top fit athletes and football players are dropping like flies in front of our eyes = as of 27th November 108 professional football players and coaches in the UK have had heart attacks or severe heart problems on the pitch. 3 in 30 years and now thousands around the world being recorded.. Main stream media virtually ignoring this.This video below is one of sadly many I have reviewed in these. Ironically the young and very fit are suffering from the now confirmed blood clots due to the spike protein and use of nano technology etc. Clearly us humans are not agreeing with these chemicals.
Sunday workshop!
Subject to confirmation will be booked for Zondagocthend 12 December 2021.
Lesgeld €15:00
Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. (zij ingang)
Sunday workshop!
Zondagochtend 12 December 2021.
Lesgeld €15:00
Suitable for all levels
Special Qigongs
Tai Chi form training to practice stepping like a cat and out of comfort zone relaxing to success training drills. Montessorischool Noordsingel 57
4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. Grote gymzaal (zij ingang)
I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
Remember your mind body and spirit is not locked down!!! Strengthen your Kung fu MIND practice exercising your BODY Tai Chi daily and stay grounded in the knowing that your SPIRIT is free to be!
“Imagination and dreams have no restrictions! Meaning we can look ahead and smile at and enjoy our own predictions” Tony Stewart
Yes its my Christmas poem time again :)
Freedom to be is real happy chi
A life that is restricted and coded is not the way to be!
Free to be throughout each and every year
Its always extra special at this Merry Christmas time of love and all that joyful cheer.
Shine your light this Christmas time to all far and wide
Keep strong have faith that truth and justice will prevail as goodness positively turns the tide.
Set your Christmas tree letting it shine through each long dark night.
Knowing that things will workout and be alright.
Only you and your maker hold your God given immunity.
So live life to the full as you enjoy living in this all wonderful community.
Awareness of danger leads to long term happy chi.
Holistically preparation, practice and perseverance is the key.
Strive to enjoy a good healthy open mind.
Research in all that's now unseen being kept very hidden, that's effecting all of mankind.
Lies gives endless fears and has very many mutations
The truth is the truth and has no variations.
Strengthen your mind and relax as you go the extra mile.
Get out of your comfort zone as you do so enjoying it all with a smile.
Have a very Merry Christmas, dream and enjoy making lots of good wishes.
As you better pray your dishwasher works otherwise you will be enjoying the zen of washing up the dishes :)
Love and Happy Christmas chi, Tony Stewart 10 12 2021
Extra poem which I wrote / came to me as I was training this morning:
The freedoms they all so bravely fought for on D Day beach.
Are going fast and soon lost forever and soon be out of reach!
The world wide psych op of deception
Is leading the masses in a dangerous unhealthy direction.
When do we hear them talk about the vital need for good diet, vitamins and exercise.
Ask yourself why are they ignoring something so wise.
We are now told that our natural immunity now has run out of date.
As the masses dutifully stand in line awaiting their fate.
Overcome all this fear with love and do what’s right
Otherwise the human race may regret it all night after night.
What is the solution I hear you cry.
Its simple my dear friends, just don’t comply.
The spiritual path of love to all far and wide.
Is all we must decide.
Love and Happy Christmas chi, Tony Stewart 11 12 2021
🔺A lot of people are surprised when they hear that doctors and scientists are speaking out about the Covid hoax.
In case you’re in any kind of doubt, here’s a list of some Professionals, (Doctors and Scientists) who HAVE QUESTIONED the official narrative. I would recommend looking up any of these on their own websites, or brand new tube.
▪︎Dr. Rashid Buttar ▪︎Dr. Andrew Kaufman ▪︎Dr. Annie Bukacek ▪︎Dr. Thoman Cowan ▪︎Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai ▪︎Dr. James Hidrith ▪︎Dr. Bruce Lipton ▪︎Dr. Robert Young ▪︎Dr. Judy Mikovits ▪︎Prof. Dolores Cahill ▪︎Dr. Mercola ▪︎Dr. Ericson ▪︎Dr. Ivette Lozano ▪︎Professor Knut Wittkowski
▪︎Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ▪︎Denis Rancourt ▪︎Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi ▪︎Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg ▪︎Dr. Joel Kettner ▪︎Dr. John Loannidis ▪︎Dr. Yoram ▪︎Dr Pietro Vernazza ▪︎Frank Ulrich Mongomery ▪︎Prof. Hendrik Streeck ▪︎Dr. Yanis Roussel ▪︎Dr. David Katz ▪︎Dr. Michael Osterholm
▪︎Dr. Peter Goetzsche ▪︎Dr. Sunetra Gupta ▪︎Dr. Karin Molling ▪︎Dr. Anders Tegnell ▪︎Dr. Pablo Goldscmidt ▪︎Dr. Eran Bendavid ▪︎Dr. Jay Bhattacharya ▪︎Dr. Tom Jefferson ▪︎Dr. Michael Levitt ▪︎Dr. Richard Schabas ▪︎Kate Shemirani ▪︎Julian Rose ▪︎Barbara ONeil ▪︎Prof. Yavid Finkelstein ▪︎Dr. Murcato Ravindrefed ▪︎Prof. Graham Axlerod ▪︎Prof. Jennifer Hintze ▪︎Dr. Andreas Grundhaven ▪︎Dr. Merton Yipple ▪︎Prof. Swami Bhakhavavadvad ▪︎Dr. Barton Berstaffler
▪︎Prof. Qiong Hong-Lamin °U.S. Senator Dr.Scott Jensen °Dr. Stella Immanuel °Mark Devlin °Dr. Vernon Coleman °Dr. Muhammad Igbal Adil °Dr.Kelly Victory °Francis Abraham °Dr. Fidel Fernandez °Edwin A. Burn °Homer Lim °Dr.Edwin Bien * Dr Mike Yeadon * Dr Tapper * Dr
* Dr Leland Stillman *Dr Carrie Madej *Denis Rancourt PhD *Professor Geert van den Boosche
* Dr Northrup * Dr Charles Hoffe * Dr Heiko Schoniing * Dr Mohamand Adil * Dr Elke de Klerk * Dr Scott Jensen Dr Hilde Smet * Dr Johan Denis * Dr R Zac Cox& many thousands more who have risked their distinguished careers to tell the public and the authorities the truth of what is unfolding.
Their views are being banned, censored, deleted and blocked on social media!
Truths about the experimental jabs
Vitally Important Truthful Awareness Info:
I have put together referenced information for you all, to help raise your awareness of the vast majority of the worlds experts and aid the process of Informed Consent. Hopefully this will inspire you to do your own further research. Avoid conspiracy theories and special interest so called fact checkers!
Must watch videos, documentaries, relevant info, research data, website links and many recommended websites to support your further self defense research. Real happy chi requires a strong open kung fu minded attitude. Avoiding the critically important research will give short term gain and perhaps long term pain. Be aware of the special interest red herring fact checkers stalking the search engines. Get in the know so you can maintain a happy chi flow whilst protecting yourself and loved ones in the process where possible. Visit the page here:
Extra lessons:
Tuesday Lessons arrange at my own Praktijk / Dojo: Lessons can be booked from 09:00am throughout the day. Please note maximal 3 students per hour. These private lessons which are normally €35 for members now has a special discount to respect these times we are all going through. For one person the extra out of lesrooster lesson is €10:00.
Thursday Lessons arrange at my own Praktijk / Dojo: Lessons can be booked from 09:00am
Anyone wishing to book a extra lesson please contact me via e-mail, telephone call or whatsApp / telegram. Location and other lesson booking information will be confirmed by return.
Nu beschikbaar Private Tai Chi lessons! one to one or 2 to 3 students!