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(02) Three Treasures - Music for RelaxationArtist Name
00:00 / 09:00

Hello everyone, Wow its already almost the end of January and Christmas and new year celebrations seems along way away. This year is the Year of the Rabbit : Kung Hei Fat Choy. Wishing you all a very Happy Chinese New Year 2023.

Its going to be a very good year of revealing, awakening as the truth of these last few years comes out and people begin to discover what, how and why that's been done and ongoing. Also as this happens positive good solutions will become available to offer support to anyone suffering from injuries and terrible side effects of these now infamous series of catastrophic, dangerous and totally ineffective injections so many were in various ways was coerced, forced mandated or blackmailed into having them. Out of fear or even caring loving reasons millions upon millions have taken part in this mass experiment! The results, the effects of Big Pharma billions of profits is being seen with the millions now suffering as a result. 876,000 in only the UK suffering and ignored. They lied telling you do it to protect others! Stops transmission, 95% effective and safe that was all 100% a lie and 100% false. Being nicknamed a vaccine it got millions of peoples loyalty. These companies tried in vain to hide their data for 75 years! failing to do so has now allowed the honest, open independent scientist to study the shocking alarming figures. willful blindness, denial, fear of being arrested for their crimes and much more is seeing a news blackout of delaying information on the day to day news. Below i feature a few BBC and other breaking news  that is highly important for all concerned. British Government data admits after two jabs ones immune system is seriously weaken and damaged for life! Sudden deaths of 18 to 40 year age group is now a pandemic in itself. being just one of their new normal's!

I am confident that The unique authentic Tai Chi lessons that I give will be prove to be a great support to all and for those injured, suffering from lost family members or just worried and needing solutions and a way to get through these challenging times. I am looking forward to a very successful fulfilling year as more and more seek Tai Chi and its Internal holistic mind body and spirit principles helping everyone Improve their health, protect and maintain well-being and happy chi. Knowing what's bad for your health, thus being able to avoid it all, gives real happy chi. Training consequently, developing your consciousness / awareness will help you defend and protect your love ones and yourself. To do this is to be a true warrior.

I once also enjoyed teaching Tai Chi to kids right through to collage students. Government cut backs stopped investing in the health and fitness for this important age groups. I am optimistic better times will come. We must all decide what future we want for our children and all of us. Freedom is a must!

Happy chi, Tony.

PS: Please enjoy the videos below and invite your friends to come along and join our lessons.


December 2022

With 1,000 extra dutch deaths per week being currently registered as un known reason = not covid or cancer etc but whats being called sudden death syndrome and many more dying each week in the uk and around the world . Its stunning to discover that our national governments have zero interest to discovering whats causing it all???22,550% increase in heart problems with the 16 to 40 year olds!National governments reporting a 10,000% increase in cancers since the jabs roll out.Australia has confirmed 72% less pregnancy's which is a very concerning omg figure. Its around 40% in EU = That's hardly a lockdown baby boom!!Meanwhile all such horrific data is largely censored and cancelled out by social media and most of the worlds mainstream media is one narrative programming.


World Premiere: Died Suddenly:


Kerst vakantie is from 23 December 2022 tot 8 January 2023 

I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Very HAPPY , HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS 2023


Last training week of the year planning: Woensdagavond 21 December kerst borrel

Maandagochtend  19 December = les om 09:15-10:30 & 10:30-11:45   

Maandagavond lessen op 19 December: Na de les: Ik zorg voor thee, koffie en heerlijk Christmas cake 😊

Dinsdagavond les op 20 december: Na de les: Ik zorg voor thee, koffie en heerlijk Christmas cake 😊

Graag zijn alle leerlingen uitgenodigd voor de woensdagavond kerst borrel! 😊

Graag zie ik ook alle maandag en dinsdag groepsles leerlingen ook op de woiensdagavond kerst borrel. naturlijk kom trainen op je gewoone les en ook geniet van ons Tai Chi 4 You kerst woensdagavond borrel..wordt erg leuk!

Woensdagavond 21 December kerst borrel = de 19:00uur en 20:15 lessen komt samen. Dus les tijd op 21 december word vanaf 19:30 in de Montessorischool.

Na de bijzonder les met “Rock em en knock em out ” Tai Chi met music  les, genieten wij allemaal van een heerlijk kerst borrel hapjes, kerst cake en thee, koffie, wine, bier en soft drinks: Iedereen brengt een paar hapjes te verdelen met elkaar. Ik zal de thee en koffie en kerst taart en natuurlijk kerstmuziek. En wat gaat je meenemen lijst is beschikbaar van vanavond ’s les vanaf 06 December.

IVM de planning graag even laten weten als je bent van plan te komen!

NB: If you are a student who has not been able to attend these last months lessons then you are also welcome to pop in and say hello and enjoy the Christmas happy chi spirit.

Enjoy this newsletter. Have a open minded holistic mind set

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Chi, Tony.

October newsletter:

As per my recent tips and heads up warnings. Very challenging times are all looking increasingly likely this coming winter and beyond. Do as much away from main stream media reasrch that you can allowing a holistic awareness to develop within yourself. Were possible do your best to prepare. Good preparations, proactive actions is a good way to stay calm and focused and indeed be able to enjoy life even through the toughest of times!

Practice your Tai Chi and Qigong as much as you can, stay optimistic, strive to thrive and be well in such times will help shift and turn things around and create the world we want to see and be.

Use cash as you shop, support local shops and farms, eat organic foods when you can. Stand like a tree and plant a few too! Ensure you have enough extra supplies in house to be able to cope all anticipated events to come and this will help you look after your family. Your health is key! Strengthen your mind body and spirit! 


At all times of the day, your body is exposed to bacteria, germs and viruses that are trying to invade and attack your body. 


Your intricate immune system works like a personal military system, armed and ready to defend you from these foreing invaders that cause harm. 


With a healthy immune system, even if an infection invades your bodies, it's usually a matter of time before it can fight it off. 


To support your troops and get your immune system “serving” you with strength, it’s fundamental to focus on the right fuel.


Here are the top 21 superfoods for boosting your immune system:

Click here to enjoy the pictures and info on each of the 21 and find out much more benefits for your immune system.

De Sportcentrum de Boulevard in Bergen op Zoom Noord 4, 3de etage in de Multi functioneel ruimte 4617 HD Bergen op Zoom 


Beginners 20.00-21.15 From Sept = Start date to be confirmed very soon!

Basisschool Lodijke Ouderdinge 15 4617 NL Bergen op Zoom

Gymzaal Zij ingang bij einde van de Zwarte Waal weg

Zomer vakantie: 1 Augustus t/m 21 Augustus 2022

Eerste les na de vakantie is vanaf maandag 22 Augustus


Dit jaar wordt de Krabbenfoor in Bergen op Zoom gehouden van donderdag 28 tot en met zondag 31 juli gehouden. 

Tai Chi 4 You doet mee!

Dit jaar vindt De Krabbenfoor plaats op donderdag 28, vrijdag 29, Zaterdag 30 en Zondag 31 juli.

De Grootste Jaarmarkt van Nederland mag je niet missen! Geniet op de Krabbenfoor van de jaarmarkt, het entertainment op straat, de verschillende muzikale pleinen en nog veel meer! De Krabbenfoor 2022 zit vol verrassingen en vernieuwingen voor jong en oud!

De Tai Chi 4 You promo kraam is te vinden in de in de Fortuinstraat.

Kom langs en bezoek ons stand plaats!

Alle Tai Chi 4 You leden die meedoen zijn van harte welkom :) Willen degenen die wil komen helpen met het opbouwen of kunnen langs komen op een of meer van deze dagen dan a.u.b heel graag mij even bellen: 06 26906168 e-mailen

Openingstijden markt:

Donderdag 28 juli 12.00-21.00 uur

Vrijdag 29 juli 10.00-21.00 uur

Zaterdag 30 juli 10.00-19.00 uur

Zondag 31 juli 10.00-17.00 uur

Alle help team / demo team leerlingen dat kan komen zijn heel erg gewaardeerd


Alvast bedankt we gaan er gewoon heel leuk laat ons van genieten.


Zondagochtend Tai Chi workshop:

With Tony Stewart 

17 July 2022


Zondagochtend Lesgeld €15:00

Suitable for all levels

 Montessorischool Noordsingel 57

4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. Grote gymzaal (zij ingang) 

Nieuwe lessen verwacht in Roosendaal

Start bij genoeg aanmeldingen:

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

Location to be confirmed by start.


Donderdagochtend & avond lessen Beginners/intermediate  

09:30 - 10:45 & 20:00-21:15

Tai Chi Fit & Flow, Qigong & Tai Chi Yang Family 108 form

location to be confirmed as soon as possible!

Zaterdagochtend Tai Chi workshops

21 Mei 2022


Locatie: A.M de Jongpark.

Ingesloten tussen de Churchillaan, Kometenlaan en de Marslaan ligt het A.M de Jongpark.

Lesgeld €15:00

Suitable for all levels

Zondagochtend Tai Chi workshops

22 Mei 2022


Zondagochtend Lesgeld €15:00

Suitable for all levels

 Montessorischool Noordsingel 57

4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. Grote gymzaal (zij ingang) 

02 april 2022

Hello everyone,

Starting off the spring season I really enjoyed a tai chi workshop in Zwijndrecht School for forty 11 to 12 year old's and their teaches. Great to do and super to see the positive reactions from them all. Very nice to get back into the workshop flow.

Its been a long two years and finally I can plan new beginner classes which I am sure will be very popular. So from the 10th of May I have a new beginners class from 20:00 every Tuesday evening to add to the Wednesday beginners 19:00 lesson. New flyers and posters to be sent out a.s.a.p. Meanwhile let your friends know and book their place on the course.

latest news summary!

  • Nieuw Beginners les vanaf dinsdagavond 10 Mei 2022 in de Montessorischool BoZ. Ook per direct beschikbaar is woensdagavond. Voor alle beginners les opties zie hier in newsletter of lesrooster.

  • Volgende Zondagochtend Tai Chi workshop is 24 April. Graag even laten weten als je bent van plan om te komen. 10:00-11:45 Lesgeld €15:00 Suitable for all levels. Montessorischool Noordsingel 57 4661 SC Bergen op Zoom. Grote gymzaal (zij ingang) 

  • 3 beginners lessen beschikbaar op mij eigen training dojo max 4 pers; Alle Small groups lessons and private lessons in de dojo: Alleen op afspraak.

  • Vakantie data: 25 April t/m 6 Mei 2022

  • Happy chi healthy tips: How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine click hier:


Happy chi Tony.

11 feb 2022 newsletter

38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland 29 01 2022 56% of the Injuries are classified as so serious that are suffering life changing conditions.

As of this week I have joined the World Council for Health and thus will benefit from receiving vitally important information that can help you stay aware of the many positive things you can do or yes, even avoid in order to help you live a healthy lifestyle. Also increase your conscious awareness helping you and your family stay safe. 

Started from 5th of January 2022 is the long awaited "Nuremberg 2.0" for the people two week long public presentation allowing all evidence collected over these last two years on Grave & unprecedented crimes against humanity committed on a coordinated world wide scale. I in this newsletter feature the opening recorded presentation. Each day the legal hearing with is conducted by a judge and delivered by many lawyers, scientist and a wide range of world recognized experts in their given profession. Their evidence will step by step be presented to you the public. Of course this is being done under common natural law and world leaders and nation states will be given all these findings and indictments that may come from it all.

Please click on this link and scroll forward 10 minutes as thats when it starts.

Openingszitting van de Grand Jury-procedure door het Volkstribunaal van de publieke opinie 


Een groep internationale advocaten en een rechter voeren een strafrechtelijk onderzoek uit naar het voorbeeld van de Grand Jury procedures in de Verenigde Staten, om aan het publiek al het beschikbare bewijs te presenteren van COVID-19 misdaden tegen de mensheid, tegen "leiders, organisatoren, aanstichters en medeplichtigen" die hielpen, aanzetten of actief deelnamen aan de formulering en uitvoering van een gemeenschappelijk plan voor een pandemie. Dit onderzoek is van het volk, door het volk en voor het volk, dus JIJ kunt deel uitmaken van de jury. 


Door een volledig beeld te schetsen van wat ons te wachten staat, inclusief de geopolitieke en historische achtergrond - is de procedure bedoeld om bewustzijn te creëren over:


- de feitelijke ineenstorting van het huidige, gekaapte systeem en zijn instellingen, en, als gevolg daarvan

- de noodzaak voor de mensen zelf om hun soevereiniteit terug te nemen, en 

- de noodzaak om eerst de maatregelen van deze pandemie te stoppen door te weigeren er aan mee te doen, en 

- de noodzaak om hun eigen nieuwe systeem van gezondheidszorg, onderwijs, economie en rechtspraak op gang te brengen, zodat - de democratie en de rechtsstaat op basis van onze grondwetten zullen worden hersteld.

Meer informatie en

Dr. Robert Malone Visits Infowars After Being Banned By Twitter Bombshell Interview



Jan 1, 2022

Inventor of mRNA Technology Issues Emergency Warning To The World
TPC #653 Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough - January 4, 2022
New Video w Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough - A Must Watch

Mass Formation Psychosis.


mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone gave a fascinating interview to Joe Rogan which aired on New Year’s Eve.
I can thouroughly recommend you watch this more than 100 million tuned in world wide.

If you’ve got three hours to spare, we recommend you watch the entire thing HERE.

Malone, an expert in mRNA vaccine technologies who trained at UC Davis, UCSD and the Salk Institute, was suspended by Twitter with no explanation on Thursday. It appears he’s preparing to sue, as Alex Berenson is currently doing.

Be sure to catch Dr. Malone’s in-depth interview with Infowars reporter Kristi Leigh following his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience:


Hello everyone, GOOD NEWS!

Yes we can once again all enjoy groups lessons at our locations. I could write an essay here on these most devastating seriously important globally planned changes to our freedoms and the sacred protection to our 100's of years old inalienable rights. Not to mention the Nuremberg Code, that my granddad fought and nearly died for us all to see happen.

Instead I will reserve myself to say ALL HUMANS are warmly welcome to come and enjoy their groups lesson or come along and start as a new beginner. This includes Novak Djokovic! I  understand he includes Tai Chi and many wellness practices as part of his health and fitness lifestyle. He is one of the healthiest fittest humans on the planet. One of the greatest tennis players of all time and now banned from the once free proud nation of Australia.  Yet like millions world wide being banned from doing their career job. So I stand with Novak! Should he be passing by Bergen op Zoom and also want to enjoy these amazing arts he will always be welcome!! 

I look forward to seeing you all from this week

Happy chi Tony.

A brilliant short video that features Carl Gustav Jung 🙏 

without any doubt this is world war 3 and the Battle of the mind must be won just as The Battle of Britain was won in the skies. This we must do all we can to defeat the mass psychosis and the evil lies. If you are sitting there looking back at these last two years and saying to yourself that something is not right? or het klopt niet! or that you are starting to fear that a strange new world collective totalitarian state is forming or that you are seeing 24/7 fear on the main stream media and see ones freedoms being taken away day by day. Then perhaps this video can help you with your holistic research journey. A journey of discovery that may well be the most important one you have ever embarked on.

Happy truth to the people chi Tony 

a-m-de-jongpark-6-1024x682 Tai Chi 4 You workshops.jpg
Tai Chi 4 You Krabefoor 2018.jpg

Nieuws & Events:

7 January 2022

02 ElementsArtist Name
00:00 / 25:26

Hello everyone, Hope you all enjoyed a very merry Christmas and wishing you all a very Happy Healthy and Prosperous 2022! It is of course looking like this quite amazing lockdown is until 19 Januari.  I am offering lessons in my own Dojo practice room which will allow for some face to face lessons. The online lessons will start from 9th January featuring the Monday evening and wednesday evening lessons. Extra Saturday lessons (workshops) will be in the Montessorischool from Saturday 22nd January 2022 plus extended options at my own practice. see below for more details. In this newsletter I feature several thought stimulating awareness videos and interviews which are censored out of the mainstream media! The mind body spirit internal arts of tai Chi and Qigong trains us to develop a strong open mind and think and feel holistically thus creating true self defense and real safe grounded happy chi.

The art of fighting in Tai Chi is the art of not being there. By increasing our awareness we make things conscious and thus can better avoid the negative things that happen in life and keeping one in a positive creative loving enjoyful happy chi life.

No matter what challenges are ahead of us all I will do my best through the tai chi principles to help you all to better handle these very interesting times we now live in. Helping you to stay grounded, relaxed and focused. Learning how to keep in a state of zen, a sense of calm and peace in this increasingly strange over controlled new world we are all experiencing, will be skills really worth learning, repeating and developing. All our warmly welcome to enjoy Tai Chi 4 You lessons enjoying the very many health benefits that it is world famous for.

Happy New Year Chi Tony.


Authentic Yeung (Yang) Family Tai Chi

Special on line lessons available while we are being locked down.

For current student members & ideal for all 

beginners to get started as we await the new world order regimes lifting of these unprecedented restrictions to our freedom


Beschikbaar online lessen:

Maandagavond: Intermediate to Advanced level 20:00-21:15

Woensdagavond: Beginners 19:00-20:10

& Intermediate to advanced 20:15-21:30

Tai Chi on line.png
Book Now.jpg

"A Healthy Body is a Wealthy body" Tony Stewart 

Nieuw Beginners lessen: 
Strengthen and improve your immune system and strengthen your lungs
learn real mindfulness, feel balanced and strong in Spirit, Mind and body and feeling more energy, being well grounded and a feeling fit and free to be!
Really learn how to improve your health and all round well-being.

Then give yourself a unique present and join us at Tai Chi 4 You. Enjoy an  amazing journey of mind, body and spirit. Step by step learn holistic health and real Tai Chi, real mindfulness energizing your chi fit and flow.
Come along a enjoy a free try out lesson

Tai Chi 4 You practicing tai chi daily is one of the best gifts.jpg
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